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Japanese Mythology: Marriage Between Humans and Animals
There are many stories about humans marry to animals in Japan.
Jun 26, 20243 min read

Have you seen those green fluffy balls? They are Kokedama.
Juju Kurihara
Apr 18, 20241 min read

Kosupure Graduation at Kyoto University
It caught attention that Japanese students in Japan attend the graduation ceremony with Cosplay.
Apr 17, 20242 min read

How Many Gods Exist in Japan?
Happy New Year of the dragon in 2024. Wish you all a healthy and internally peaceful year despite of the unsolved conflicts and natural...
Jan 17, 20243 min read

How did they get tattoos in Edo Period?
It is said that Japan's tattoo culture started about 5000BC. Because the cray figures made around that time have tattoos on the body and...
Juju Kurihara
Sep 13, 20232 min read

Zoom Manner in Japan. True or False?
After many Japanese companies have switched to remote work, people are talking about zoom manner. Some sound real and some sound like jok...
Juju Kurihara
Apr 24, 20203 min read

Japanese New Year Custom for Kids - Otoshidama-
Japanese children get money, otoshidama in the New Year. It was my best event at the beginning of the year as a child and not my favourit...
Juju Kurihara
Jan 7, 20202 min read

Protect your bum ball from Yokai, Kappa
There are many folklores about Kappa all over Japan. This comical looking yokai can be friendly but can lead you to death by pulling out ...
Juju Kurihara
Oct 6, 20152 min read

Shishi and Komainu. What´s the difference?
When you go to a shrine in Japan, you see two lion like animals at the entrance. Actually they are two animals, a lion and a komainu. Wha...
Juju Kurihara
Sep 29, 20153 min read

The power of Soroban -Japanese abacus -
Nowadays we don´t see anyone using abacus so often. But when I see my mother calculating in her head quickly and accurately, I wish I had...
Juju Kurihara
Sep 8, 20153 min read

Japanese family name - Nakamura -
Japanese family name. This time is the 8th common name in Japan, Nakamura. It has quite a deep history than I expected.
Juju Kurihara
Aug 3, 20153 min read

A little history of Hannya Mask - Why it´s so scary? -
This ancient theatre mask of Noh is very scary. It´s a demon called Hannya. I´ve just found out this is a female character. But why is it...
Juju Kurihara
Jul 10, 20152 min read

Is Seiza really the traditional way to sit for Japanese people?
You see a tea ceremony or a demonstration of martial arts and realise that people often sit on their heels, which is called seiza. Many m...
Juju Kurihara
May 27, 20154 min read

The real meaning of Gochisosama
Now we know Japanese people say Itadakimasu before eating. Then what do they say after eating? It´s Gochisosama. But do you know what doe...
Juju Kurihara
May 19, 20152 min read

Why Japanese say Itadakimasu together before they eat?
One of the things that confuse me outside of Japan is when people start to eat. Each one starts when they get the plate while Japanese pe...
Juju Kurihara
May 16, 20154 min read

History of Onigiri
One of the best snack you can get in Japan is onigiri (おにぎり/rice ball). There are konbini(コンビニ) every corner and you an pick one or two...
Juju Kurihara
Apr 27, 20153 min read

How to make Kon-nyaku at Home
Kon-nyaku is one of the ingredients Japanese people regularly eat. It´s known for very low calories and often eaten as a diet food. You c...
Juju Kurihara
Jan 23, 20153 min read

Japanese Family Names - Tanaka (田中) -
There are 140,000 family names in use in Japan. Even China doesn´t have so many family names. How the family names were created in Japan?...
Juju Kurihara
Sep 18, 20141 min read

5th of May is Kodomo no Hi (Boys´ Day) in Japan
5th of May is Kodomo no hi (Boys´ Day) in Japan. All parents and the families wish for their male children to grow healthy.
Juju Kurihara
May 5, 20142 min read

Japanese saying - Uso mo Houben
Apparently Japanese lie a lot, the fourth in the world. Why they lie? What is the concept of lying for Japanese? What does Uso mo Houben ...
Juju Kurihara
Apr 27, 20143 min read
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